For neuroscientist Sara Lazar, a form of meditation called open awareness is as fundamental to her day as breathing. “I just become aware that I […]
Month: March 2024
Celiac disease: Exploring four myths
Celiac disease is a digestive and immune disorder that can keep the body from absorbing necessary nutrients. “Our conception and awareness of celiac disease has […]
Does drinking water before meals really help you lose weight?
If you’ve ever tried to lose excess weight, you’ve probably gotten this advice: drink more water. Or perhaps it was more specific: drink a full […]
PTSD: How is treatment changing?
Over the course of a lifetime, as many as seven in 10 adults in the United States will directly experience or witness harrowing events. These […]
Which migraine medications are most helpful?
If you suffer from the throbbing, intense pain set off by migraine headaches, you may well wonder which medicines are most likely to offer relief. […]