Sugar Control with Natural Smoothies

Smoothies for diabetics, like watermelon and celery, guava and lemon, melon and passion fruit, and apple and pumpkin, should be high in fiber and have a low glycemic index. This help to control blood sugar levels and prevent unexpected spikes.

However, these smoothies should be consumed in moderation by diabetics. Even through smoothies are made with natural ingredients, blending these fruits will lower their overall fiber content in comparison to eating whole fruits.

In general. diabetics should prioritize foods that are high in protein, fat, or fiber, as these nutrients can help to keep blood sugar levels stable. Check-out a list of the best fruits for diabetics and which fruits to avoid.

1. Watermelon and celery smoothie

3 slices of watermelon
About 5 cm of celery stalk
How to prepare

Mix all ingredients in a food processor or blender. You can add some water to help these mix more easily.

Also recommended: 12 Benefits of Watermelon (plus Nutritional Info & Recipes)
2. Guava and lemon juice smoothie

4 guavas, peeled
Juice squeezed from 2 lemons
How to prepare

Mix all ingredients in a blender and drink, without sweetener.

3. Tangerine and papaya smoothie

4 tangerines, peeled
1 papaya
How to prepare

Mix all ingredients in a blender and drink without straining or sweetening. You can add more water to thin out the smoothie as desired.

4. Apple and pumpkin smoothie
This smoothie is excellent and excellent option for diabetics, as it is made up of ingredients like ginger and seeds that help to keep blood sugars within regular ranges.

This smoothie can be consumed daily as a snack or for breakfast, and should be consumed soon after making it, as oxidation can alter its taste.


2 apples with the peel
1 cup of lemon juice
Mint leaves, as desired
1 tablespoon of sunflower seeds
1 cup of raw pumpkin
1 cm of ginger
How to prepare

Mix all ingredients in a blender and drink without sweetening.

This home remedy can be beneficial for diabetics and for others, as it is high in vitamins that strengthen the immune system and can decrease the risk for viral or bacterial illnesses.

5. Sweet potato smoothie
Sweet potato smoothies are great for diabetes, as they contain frutooligosaccharides and inulin. These substances are not broken down in the digestive system and act similarly to fiber to help manage blood sugars.

Sweet potato smoothies can be consumed on a daily basis, although you should advise your endocrinologist of its ingestion. This smoothie can affect blood sugars and the effectiveness of diabetes medicine.


1 cup of mineral or coconut water
5 to 6 cm of raw sweet potato, sliced
How to prepare

Mix all ingredients in a blender, strain, then drink.

Sweet potato, in addition to managing diabetes, can also help with weight loss, as it keeps you full. It is low in calories and can help with issues like constipation.

6. Pear and grapefruit smoothie
A pear and grapefruit smoothie is another excellent option for diabetics, as it is rich in potassium. This means that it can help to slow down increases in blood sugar.


2 pears
1 grapefruit
1 cinnamon stick
How to prepare

Mix the pears and grapefruit in a blender, then add the cinnamon stick to improve the taste, as needed.